Asset Data Integrator
Spatial data waterhouse
All Spatial Insight’s software products require data input, in most case asset data and failure data. Asset Data Integrator (ADI) operates as data warehouse and uniforms, integrates and historicises these data. ADI is based upon Spatial Eye’s Spatial Workshop Warehouse and includes Spatial Insight’s Standard Data Model.
In the ADI approach, data from various registrations are integrated in a data-warehouse. To do this efficiently we use the Spatial Warehouse software delivered by our trusted partner Spatial Eye. During the Extract Transform Load (ETL) process, necessary modifications are made to improve the data quality, enrich the data-model and relate the various tables. An important step in this process is the introduction of “history”. Historic results allow tracking of changes over time and -for example- relate a leak to the information version of a main section that was in the database when the leak occurred.
This makes ADI unique
- Robust and proven solution to manage big amounts of spatial data
- ADI includes Sptial Insight’s Standard Data Model enabling rapid configuration of software
- Includes advanced data quality checks
Automatic flagging of abnormal entries
For the integration of data we prefer to leave the data in its original database and mirror only relevant data to a central database with historicisation functions. In that central database, we execute data quality checks automatically. Have data been registered that conflicts with existing related data? A flag arises: was the original data incorrect or was an error made during registration? For data experts and data entry staff to find out and correct.
Spatial Eye
ADI is a configuration of software provided by our trusted partner Spatial Eye. The ADI configuration makes it very easy to run the several software products of Spatial nInsight without extensive efforts in data preparation.
Always up-to-date
ADI is the ideal platform to kick-off periodic analyses of which the results will be stored in ADI. Every new run of an application, for example SI-Design or SI-Rehab, will be using the most actual data. The existing GIS-viewer of a utility is used to view the results.
Next step
ADI requires substantial efforts for installation and periodic maintenance. Contact Arnoud Drevijn to learn more.
"With ADI running on the background, all calculations continue to run smoothly, with the most up-to-date data"