
Spatial Insight’s ultimate risk model software, bringing together a decade of experience with pipe replacement risk models developed and applied in the Dutch water sector. SI-Rehab takes the probability of failure into account for smartly defined pipe segments. For the effect of failure, both internal and external effects are taken into account.

It’s interesting and useful to reduce the probability of failure of pipes by replacing them. Still, a pipe feeding a vulnerable or big client, will have more impact when failing, compared to a pipe in a rural environment with a limited number of connections. Also, pipes near critical infrastructure deserve a higher priority than pipes that are not near objects that could be damaged by a pipe failure. Together with our clients we tailor the settings of the calculations to align them with the corporate asset management objectives, and to relate them to previous calculations. SI-Rehab calculates the effect of failure for each pipe segment in the network.

This makes SI-Rehab unique

  • Ten years of pipe replacement modelling expertise in one ultimate rehabilitation model.
  • Including SI-Regression and SI-Cluster to calculate the probability of failure.
  • Price independent of network size.

Probability of failure

SI-Rehab relies upon SI-Cluster and SI-Regression for the calculation of the probability of failure. SI-Regression calculates the average failure frequency for (cohorts of) pipes in the network. This is very useful for pipes without any registered failure.

At the same time, every asset manager will recognise that two similar pipes, in terms of age, material and diameter can show completely different failure behaviour due to specific local conditions. This is why SI-Cluster calculates the probability of failure of clusters of pipes while acknowledging the ‘local unknown’ cause factor.

Impact of failure

SI-Rehab discriminates between different impact categories, focusing on customers as well as on surrounding infrastructure. The calculations include the number of clients affected, and infrastructural objects, such as railways, roads and dikes, when they can be damaged as a result of a failing pipe.

Transportation and connection pipes

Both transportation and connection pipes behave differently compared to distribution pipes. We have developed two add-ons for SI-Rehab that specifically focus on these two pipe categories. Typically, transportation pipes have less failures, even so few that its impossible to draw statistical valid conclusions. At the same time, the number of affected clients can be much higher. House connections often cause more than half of the total number of leakages and give more work to maintenance crew than leakages in distribution pipes. The analysis of connection pipes is related to the chosen or intended replacement strategy.

Martin Bacchin, former General Director (GSP S.p.A.)
"Spatial Insight delivered useful results swiftly and identified data improvement opportunities in a very detailed way."

Working with SI-Rehab

SI-Rehab can be installed as software on a cloud server within the domain of the client, or as ‘SaaS’-solution on SI-Platform Spatial Insight’s dashboard for software products. In both cases the user will have intuitive screens to define the settings, to run the calculations and to view the results in graphs, lists and/or a map. Exports can be made to Excel and pdf. The data connection will be configured according the utility’s preference, so either by exchanging files manually, or by setting up direct connections with the data sources.


Marc Felten
Data engineer

+31 6 4677 3653

"In SI-Rehab we bring together 10 years of experience with different risk models"