Evides serves 2.5 million residents of Zeeland and the Rotterdam region. For determining the necessary investments in the drinking water pipeline network in 2024, the management of Evides has sought advice from the Asset Management Infra (AMI) department. Evides’ annual investment budget is approximately 80 million euros.

Approach and Solution
AMI chose BestNet to address this question and combines the results of different models for replacing pipes stored in the Asset Data Integrator (ADI). ADI is a data warehouse solution configured by Spatial Insight that integrates both asset and fault data and archives stored data to include information about removed assets. Evides applied pipe replacement models SI-Cluster, SALMI, and the combined model VERDER. The results of these models, replacement priorities for each individual pipe, are stored in ADI.

Reliability engineers Niek Bossers and Patrick van den Ende used BestNet to compare three different investment scenarios, defined as a percentage of the length of the total network that needs to be replaced annually. They succeeded in providing insight for each scenario into the number of leaks expected in the coming decades. BestNet also allowed them to make reverse calculations: how many pipes need replacement to maintain the current level of leaks over the coming decades?
The management of Evides assessed the calculation results and decided to choose the highest investment scenario from the three presented scenarios. BestNet managed to bridge the gap between the responsibilities of the asset engineer with a technical background and the asset owner who is ultimately responsible for the network’s performance.
Contribution to Strategic Objectives
Often, water company executives decide on the lowest possible investments to keep risks at an acceptable level. BestNet convinced the management of Evides that an increase in the investment budget was needed to achieve the desired performance level of the network. BestNet assists water company executives in defining key performance indicators, as they have a clear understanding of the financial implications of setting certain goals.

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